He definitely doesn't want to stay in Beacon Hills though, so when Derek moves back to New York Stiles goes with him and takes up an internship at Stark Industries and a part time job as a barista. Now, one year after Ultron and Sokovia, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts have decided to act as foster parents in an attempt to keep what happened to Peter from happening to anyone else. This is a series of oneshots. Being Tony Starks personal intern wasn't the only big change after Civil War. And he has a dad. -. Excuse me?Tony, Steve said now, how long have you had a son? As they wheeled Tony into the ICU through the double doors, Peter managed to catch a glimpse of the uninjured side of his face before the doors closed, completely blocking Peter off from him. Certainly, boss The AI responded, and a second later there was a list of files in front of him. a little white lie(ao3) -LethalBookshelvesRating: General. "Hey, Pete. AU post-Infinity War with an AU version of Endgame and with a Stony endgame. Rated M for a reason! The Puzzle that is Peter Parker (ao3) - Neuropsyche, 279kT, 279k, Summary: Peter is reeling from the after-effects of the spider bite and seeks out Tony Stark. Were Gonna Have to do This Together (ao3) - edibnaT, 156k. And this is rouglyyyyy written. Tony silences him with his mouth, dragging Rhodey down on top of him with a yelp, his duffle bag falling onto the floor with a heavy thump. FRI, give me a display of all files, would ya? Tony asked, as he fiddled with one of his gauntlets down in the lab. (ao3) - samandbuckyRating: Not Rated. As the months and years pass, bringing with them new challenges and threats, both Tony and Peter will be forced to come to grips with their troubled pasts, and learn that their greatest strengths come from each other. He had been tortured, abused, or depressed. Steve placed a warm, strong hand on Buckys shoulder and squeezed, his super soldier ears having picked up Bucky uttering the now familiar saying. Stark Men Are Made Of Hope(ao3) -Gothic_LolitaPairing: NoneRating: General. Peter is 7 when Tony gets kidnapped in Afghanistan. "I know dad behavior when I see it.Tony blinked multiple consecutive times, processing the statement. ), I wonder if Peppers reported me missing yet, Tony says, with an exaggerated sigh. This mission was a bit of an all-hands-on-deck situation, one that required most of the team, including the big brain of Mr. Stark himself. Summary:Being a superhero sometimes means you forget about the small dangers in the world, like disease. Thor loves poptarts. Ever since then, things go smoothly. Summary: Tony never thought hed ever see his mate again. Ruining our trip, Its not ruined, Peter says. Lovely London Sky(ao3) -writerllofllworldsPairing: NoneRating: Not Rated, Summary: Spiderman was a kid. Tony began. He groaned and let his head hit the desk again, of course they would go on a field trip to fucking stark industries. So FRIDAY, Bucky, and Peter have a system in place to help Tony through the darkness in his mind, the system is named Code Mauve. It's not too far. (Or, the one in which a group of remarkable people come together and balance battling villains and raising a child). The Littlest Stark(ao3) -samandbuckyPairing: Rhodey/TonyRating: Not Rated. (ao3) -bethy_277Rating: General. Were Gonna Have to do This Together(ao3) -edibnaPairing: NoneRating: Teen And Up. Tony Stark is a man who spends his days on the edge of a cliff. He and Pepper had only been dating for a few months, and the two were unfamiliar with the push and pull of a relationship when one of you was a superhero. Tony and Peter get closer than ever, and Peter even starts to call him dad (but only around the people he is close to, like Pepper and Rhodey, because no one can know that Peter is adopted by Tony). He had thought he would be the first to go- Pepper had seemed far healthier than he was, and she was gone, and he was still here, dealing with the loss, and trying to get through each day. Tonys solution: Teach Peter how to make homemade spaghetti.__, (Or: IronDad and SpiderSon make some food and shenanigans result), Away from the Sun (ao3) - xxx_cat_xxxRating: Teen And Up. He can (kinda) deal with the two most important men in his life splitting up, but he hadnt counted on living with his dad Steve, and his new boyfriend for the summer. who knew, right? Things don't exactly go as planned, Tony's kids nearly give him an aneurysm, and Pepper just wants a relaxing night out. ), A Heart Grows (With More People To Love) (ao3) - josywbuG, 5k. Work Search: Thats what you said, right? Pepper meets his eyes and hes struck by the way shes almost pleading. He wants to tell Tony how he feels about him. That doesn't mean he doesn't have to keep up his cover. In the aftermath of Sokovia, he finds himself retired and alone in an empty Stark Tower. Summary: Tony sighed as he sat in the armchair by the window, glancing to his side to see the empty armchair where Pepper had spent her evenings. In the grand scheme of all things, his sacrifice would mean more than his survival. May and Ben were good people. All he knows is if Richard hurts his kid, Tonys gonna give him hell. FRIDAY, do you have any other files with this kid? he asked, and although no verbal answer came, multiple different files appeared in front of him. No one remembers shit from when they were four.. Even after defeating Thanos, they were unable to bring anyone back. Its a Secret to Everybody(ao3) -StarPrince_Punk. avengers fanfiction tony calls peter avengers fanfiction tony calls peter (No Ratings Yet) . From Peter Parker and Shuri becoming the best of friends to Vision roping everyone into a marriage proposal, Tony had no idea the amount of chaos he would be descending onto the Happiest Place on Earth. Strange was at Tonys side, then he was tossing a change of clothes Peters waywhich he still has no idea how he got in the middle of the crumbled remains of the Avengers Compound but hes grateful for them so his identity doesnt get blownand the next, theyre stepping out of a portal inside of a hospitals ER. His nephew, Peter, is adamant to catch his killer. Summary: Tony never had the intensions of ever becoming a parent, not with how busy he is with Stark Industries and the Avengers, and then Peter Parker comes into his life and changes his whole world. But soon the favoritism starts to become too much. , . He rushed to his side and gently rolled him over onto his back, being careful to check his body over for any sign of injury, but there wasnt any that he could see. Set after the events of No Way Home, but in a universe where Tony Stark is alive and well. You you , Relax, she says, heading over to her secret stash of cocoa. He only really had a name. Bucky nodded, tried to believe his own words, and followed Steve onto the common floor, a wall of sound hitting them as they entered. His eyes widened. Peter Parker has no memory of his life before he was 7. Summary: May brings home her new boyfriend. Harrington and flash constantly give peter shit, and everyone has had enough. When Tony returned, it was to the news that his son had been killed when a fire had broken out in the foster home and only the neglectful caretakers survived the blaze. or;Post No way home, Tony finds files of Peter. Theres blood flowing from a gash on the kids temple, and he looks still, awfully still. brookstone therapeutic percussion massager with lcd screen; do nigel and jennifer whalley still own albury park tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Summary: Peter Parker is de-aged and goes to Tony Stark for help. 5 Times Anxiety Gets the Best of Peter and 1 Time He Doesnt Let It (ao3) - hopeless_hopeT, 6k. Now hes left with an annoying kid for a babysitter. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Two years later, and the team is starting to figure it out. Who was this kid? Summary: Jake likes his night shift at the gas station in the middle of nowhere because nothing ever happens. So who does Peter choose to dress up as? Tony turns towards the side, eyes blinking open with some struggle, only to centre on dark eyes blinking down at him, a smile curling on Rhodeys lips. He just wishes they could see what he sees. He needs to get away from the nightmare his life has been since he turned eleven. Or, is love what breaks them in the first place? Peter, his son, i A bunch of stories focused on Peter Parker. But theres this kid with Tony in the thumbnail. Really rough weeks. It had been a week since Tony told Peter he couldn't be Spider-Man anymore. And then there was an explosion and everything went black. Peter Parker had had everything: a mother, a father, an uncle, an aunt. Murder doesnt hold a candle to it and hell is only a poor synonym.- Stephen King. Naturally hed feel protective, nervous, and confused because where has Richard been all this time? Bend The Definition Of Fate(ao3) -Ashleyparker2815122k, built from scraps (ao3) - peterstankT, 138k. And if you need a friend, then please just say the word (ao3) - frostysunflowersT, 2k. Just a wholesome little story. It Takes a Village (or a team of superheroes)(ao3) -aven_gardesteve/tonyT, 33k. Hes known as jr. (ao3) - InterPlanetary_RedactedRating: General. There's a new team, Tony got kids that may or may not be biologically his (hint only one of them is), but that doesn't stop the threat that is yet to come. another field trip fic with too many and not enough details. Panic surges through Morgans blood and she grips the phone tighter, because shes just now realizing she has no idea what shes going to say. Summary: While dealing with his sons car accident and a rapidly-dissolving marriage, Tony is drawn to Peters surgeon, Dr. Stephen Strange. Dont Judge a Knife by Its Color(ao3) - blondsak, Grace_d, whumphoarderRating: Teen And Up, Summary: Whoa, hold up, hang on, he says, taking a step closer to get a better look. Summary:Penny Parker applied to the pilot Stark Industries internship program before she got her powers. Summary: Its clear to the Avengers that Peter Parker is more than just an intern. Even Darkness Must Pass(ao3) - Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar) M, 15k. It still eats away at Peter Parker. When I Am On Your Shoulders(ao3) -Lady_BlackwaterM, 165k. Five Times Peter Parker Pretended to Be Asleep, 5 Times Peter Pretended To Be Tougher Than He Was, 5 Times Tony Didnt Need To Worry About Peter. First the dreams, then Peter calls him Dad, and now everyone is convinced Peter is his illegitimate son. The officer pulls out a picture that she turns toward Peter. Bend The Definition Of Fate(ao3) -Ashleyparker2815N/R, 122k. Summary: Peter Parker spends time with Tonys family. Yes, thats the key word, the most awful word in the English tongue. 5 Times Everyone Thought Spider-Man was Iron Mans Favorite Superhero (ao3) - madastheseaG, 3k. I told you I had issues(ao3) - BergenRating: Teen And Up. The Avengers Summer Vacation(ao3) -MarvelObsessedgirl3G, 26k. (Part one: Lost) I wonder if this is some kind of scheme to kidnap me or something.. Was he real? Of course, the spider-themed vigilante in town may make this venture that much harder. Or: Tony and Peter pretend to be father and son for the Rogues because people kept mistaking them for family anyway. Peter didnt notice how heavily he was breathing until he stopped. Will Tony and the rest of the team be able to help six year old Peter recover after his two years in captivity? Summary: 5 times it wasnt a hug and the one time it was. The duo fight against unpredictable odds as they enter a universe bigger than they truly understand. When You Assume Wrong (ao3) - TentativeTreasonRating: General. The Avengers are a big family, not just co-workers. OR: The first time Natasha meets Starks kid, its almost three in the morning; spiders dont sleep, after all. Peter is shot with something during a fight as spider man that makes him very disoriented and confused. - 29/01/23. Being the person that was forgotten.Iron Man gets injured in a fight, which leaves him with a (temporary?) That's the only reason right? wrong numb "What Do U Wanna Eat?" Tony has no idea how children work, so why is he so drawn to little Peter Parker? He wishes more than anything that he could figure out who his parents were and if they were still alive. While being grounded for two months Peter meets Deadpool who won't stop visiting him everyday, his presence is a good distraction so Peter lets him stay around. Gotta start somewhere else. Honestly, it had started to drive Tony insane. But, Tony wouldnt change it for the world. I think it was partly because she was brilliant and because she didnt bore me like most people did. Actually, it started when Peter jokingly called Tony dad in front of them. Still, Stephen internally raged against the future he had set in motion. 12 years ago Tony decided he couldnt be a father. That was the way it had always been. If only things could get even crazier oh wait, Summary:I knew your mother, Tony said, figuring it was the right way to start. He goes to high school, he has a girlfriend. Summary: Tony Stark would never describe his relationship with his father as anything other than difficult. He frowned as he saw one named `The kid winning his science fair. (Or: The Avengers welcome Peter into their crazy superhero family and will do anything to protect him.). He was willing to accept his own death. "Hi Mr. Stark!" Peter said excitedly. Summary: Peter Stark was a prodigy child, following in his fathers footsteps. Harley Stark, Peter Stark, Morgan Stark are each child Peter Parker Stark has been living with Tony and Pepper Stark for nearly 6 years now, though no one knows. Is that a toy knife? They were on a battlefield; Tony Stark was dying, and a part of Peter died there too. God, what he would do to let anyone remember. Not biologically or anything, but I took him under my wing, and if you ever talked to him for more than five minutes, you know that he can worm under any walls youve built up. Summary: Peter had been slammed into the wall hard, and Tony was sure his heart stopped. Hes struggling in school and at home, and Aunt May is very worried. By the time he finds himself stranded in another universe, he doesn't know if things will ever return to the way they were. He was my kid. Im sure hell love it, baby. Everyone keeps telling him itll get better and that he needs to move on, but Peter doesnt want to. Calm down Peter, its only the AVENGERS (ao3) - Idek_AnymoreT, 98k, catch those pieces as they scatter (ao3) - lostintranslaationT, 75k. Summary: How Peter Parker changed Tony Stark; seen through the eyes of one Pepper Potts. He had to know if one of them knew the kid. Weve managed to get a field trip to Stark Industries!, Signs of Life(ao3) -aven_gardePairing: Steve/Tony, Bruce/Natasha, Bucky/ClintRating: Mature. (Especially when said mind was already broken to begin with. Good news everyone! Suddenly his life flashed before his eyes, and he was now the son of Tony and Pepper Stark Contains Endgame spoilers He was at a loss of what to do. They already looked like a family. Or: At four years old, Nathan Stark, Tony's only son, was found dead months after being kidnapped. Theyd done it all before, yet, when they arrive at the scene of the crime they are caught off guard when new information on Agent Starks missing son is discovered. Tony isnt impressed at being stalked by an eight year old, Time Will Tell (ao3) - TonyStarkissistT, 166k. Years pass and Tony learns that he actually is a half decent dad. Thank god for Pepper Potts.or, a Spider-Man AU where a set of bad circumstances begin to push Peter Parker down a wrong path, and where Tony is probably not the best person to deal with it, but he does anyway. Occasional takeovers by Ned and MJ. Summary: After the aftermath of the Civil War ordeal settles, Tony meets Harley Keener again. MY BOSS & HER ASSISTANT | NATASHA X READER X As far as inappropriate relationships go you've played it fairly safe most of your life, well that' Requests are closed. Everything he knows is in pieces. Is Stephen still stuck in the mirror dimension? How will Peter navigate this all. Summary:Taking Peter to Disney World was one of Tonys better ideas. Summary: Peter offers to watch five-year-old Maria Stark so Tony can get out of the house. And the 1 Time Tony didnt. (ao3) - G, 35k. But he does something more painful than hurting him. Tony Stark: has to do a speech at Midtown, knocks a bully down a peg or two, almost gets shot but is saved byhis intern? 5 times Peter made Tony laugh and 1 time he made him cry(ao3) -just_the_daydreamerRating: General. 5 Times Peter Didnt Say He Was StrugglingAnd The One Time He Did (ao3) - Bladam_ShevineT, 16k. When Peter fights back against his foster father, Skip Westcott, he and his foster siblings end up at Avengers Tower, Peter has to figure out how to hide his nightly activities and Tony needs to figure out just why this teenager and his dead son have so much in common. Tony locks himself in his lab for 4 years, waiting for the return of his son. Metamorphosis (ao3) - art_deco_deityRating: General. Peter & Tony - I lost the kid Evelyn Jackson 878K subscribers Subscribe 107K Share 2.6M views 2 years ago 1080p HD "Home is where they say the heart is, Mine's buried in the yard" Show more Show. He catapulted over mine, the little shit, and suddenly he was one of the most important things in my life. Dad? Summary: When theres a newborn Stark on the horizon Peter starts to question his place in the family he has come to view as his own. Summary: Fake it till you make it, Bucky whispered to himself, swallowing around his panic. Summary: Kid? he tried, but there was no response from the boy lying motionless on the ground. Or the one where it was hard for Tony to remember that the kid fighting next to him was still just a kid. So what would possess him to suddenly agree to become the guardian of some random kid from Queens? 5 Times Peter Fell, and Tony caught him. But Im- Peter tried, but the nurse shook her head. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine (ff.net) - by Shadows Little Miss Rating: Teen And Up. Summary: Peter had a knack for keeping things to himself, causing an unnecessary amount of stress for a graying Tony Stark. Hey, Sam. Summary: A series of Peters firsts through Tonys eyes. You know this. However, once they see how Tony acts around Peter, that confusion goes away, as they know for certain who Peter must be - Tonys secret son.Tony and Peter decide to make the most of the situation, and play along. Her hand, palm up and open, stretches into the space between them. Summary: Kids dont normally fall out of holes in the sky, not even in New York City, but if they do it is, as Tonys been informing everyone for the last fifteen minutes, entirely Reed Richards fault. First published Oct 16, 2019. You werent supposed to get back stateside for another two weeks. First circuit board at four, engine at six, the future of Stark Industries. 5 Times Peter Fell, and Tony caught him. Summary: Tony has a reputation for being someone who doesnt laugh very much. When the Rogue Avengers get pardoned and come back to live at the Tower too, theyre confused as to who Peter is. Ten years later, Ben Parker is shot dead under suspicious circumstances. Tony comes to rescue/take care of him some feelings may be revealed along the way. For Peter, this means he loses May to natural causes, not something he could ever save her from. Because there was Iron lad. Yeah, yeah, for sure, letsDisney. Drink? ), I promise, Ill do better (ao3) - spiderboyneedsahugRating: General. Tony Stark and May Parker co-parent Peter and somehow the Avengers translate this into him cheating on Pepper), you can call me son (ao3) - jaybaybayRating: General. I was shocked by how good he could be., please let this be a normal field trip(ao3) -LethalBookshelvesPairing: NoneRating: General. But Michelle Jones is not the world, and neither is Tony Stark. They hope they can keep up the act all summer. You promised you wouldnt get shot.. Yes. He watched as the Parkers gathered their things and carried Peter away, smiling at each other as Ben rested a hand on May's back. Hi Tony, Peter tried again, brain coming to a fault as he grinned. Every time Tony Stark looked at Peter, he saw Julian. Ongoing. Fortunately, hes got the Avengers to step up as a team and a family. Friday, get the team to the living room he said, before quickly making his way there himself. (Or: the one where Tony meets MJ in the back of an ambulance because their boy gets a minor gunshot wound. Summary: Three cracked ribs, a broken wrist and a heavy blow to the head, along with multiple cuts and bruises. When Peter Parker loses everyone he ever cared about and lives with his abusive Aunt May, how will he manage to survive. As it turns out, taking Peter in wasn't the worst thing he could do. ), Hot Chocolate(ao3) -Isnt_it_pretty_to_think_soPairing: NoneRating: Teen And Up, Summary: So, Natasha says smoothly, raising an eyebrow. Clint hides in the vents. Unless that person was unimportant, of course, but this- it didnt seem like that. Were Gonna Have to do This Together (ao3) - edibnaRating: Mature. Summary: Peters classmates dont believe that he has an internship at SI, and when they go there for a field trip, they realize that theres so much more that they dont know. Tony Stark Has A Heart Tony Stark is alive someone help these poor guys Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Hurt/Comfort Emotional Hurt/Comfort Angst Eventual Fluff Peter Parker is a Mess Panic Attacks Set after the events of No Way Home, but in a universe where Tony Stark is alive and well. Spanning the entirety of the MCU , this fic covers a canonical view of what it would be like if Peter was Tonys biological son dwelving heavily into the canon. James. Summary: Being a superhero sometimes means you forget about the small dangers in the world, like disease. May Parker and Tony Stark are Siblings Bisexual Tony Stark Peter Parker has PTSD Grief/Mourning Peter blames himself for Uncle Ben's death and isn't even sure he wants to continue being Spiderman. He had no idea that Peter would become Spider-Man, but he kept tabs on his son, even when he couldnt meet him. But when the four-year-olds wide eyes blinked at him, Tony was struck with the sudden realization that maybe that had been a lie. Contains mpreg. A story of which being Tony Stark's daughter and having powers is the definition of Chaos. Series of Irondad and Spiderson oneshots. Summary: Peter got knocked down in Civil War, but when Tony went to check on the baby Avenger, he realized he was more badly hurt than first realized. (It is temporary, right? So when he finds his first son living in squalor in Queens, taking him home seems like the best option, but just as Tony has changed and grown up, Peter has too. Five Times Peter Parker Pretended to Be Asleep (ao3) - blondsakG, 16k. Peter followed closely behind Pepper and Rhodey as a team of nurses wheeled Tony towards the ICU double doors, only to be stopped by a nurse when she noticed Peter following. Hey da- Mr Star- Tony. Tony always knew Peter Parker existed. Okay, Ive got a bit of aweird problem.. He thought the Parkers were going to be that family, but an unfortunate accident two years ago left Peter and their three children once again at the mercy of the system. (ao3) - yourgaydadRating: Teen And Up. Michelle Jones is a ten year old half-orphan with an enhanced mind and a chip on her shoulder.Ned Leeds is a twelve year old computer genius who may be magic.SX-24 is an experiment. New villains are on the rise, pushing the team ever closer to their limits. They expect everything to be the same, but its not. - , , , . - - , . , , ( ) , . Summary: Five times the Avengers didnt meet Tonys kid and the one time they did. He opened the file, his brows furrowing. Five times Peter Accidentally Called Tony Dad, and The One Time Tony Called Him Son. Only, he doesnt tell any of the Avengers about the adoption. Reed Richards: Accidental Matchmaker(ao3) -PotrixM, 3k. 25 Feb/23. This could not be happening. Hell, hed love it if Flash would remember, and that was a bad sign. We both lost. Us, a few other trapped members of the general public, and a handful of animatronic pirates. But through the void lays the reminder that he may still have promises to keep. With a grieving superhero teenager on his hands, Tony is going to have to figure it out quick, if he wants Peter to ever be able to move on and be happy. !One unfortunate encounter starts a chain of frustrating events; in the process of which, Peters insecurities are examined. Summary: and the one time he actually was. I deleted one of the chapters and added a new one thats why the chapter number is the same. Summary: Its been months since the events of Civil War, and the Avengers are doing their best to remain a team, having promised to forgive and forget. Everything happened so fast, Peter truly doesnt remember exactly how they got to the hospital. Or so they think. Youre, uh, whats-his-name The guy coughs a bit, swallowing. Word got around the tower that Tony wouldn't let Peter be Spider-Man. Tony Stark never come. He still waits for his rescue. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) Tonys heart lurches in his chest, then plummets to the floor. And, most of all, he wants the power to change the world. Or Tony and steve plays favorites. Lots of angst and fluff and young Peter. In comes, Dr. Kailee Tudor, hired to look out for the depressed hero. Peter suffers from short term memory loss and his parents were killed in front of him but he doesn't remember t One Shots about Peter Parker. However, once they see how Tony acts around Peter, that confusion goes away, as they know for certain who Peter must be - Tonys secret son.Tony and Peter decide to make the most of the situation, and play along. If I wanted to kill you, youd be dead. For four years Peters been bullied in school and felt completely isolated, moving from place to place with May and Ben Parker. He opened his mouth to talk again-. Peter isn't actually an intern at SI. Luckily, Peters always there to help him re-find his footing. More and more secrets are revealed as they dig deeper, and the Avengers are finding it just a bit more difficult to trust one another. Seven Years Ago when Tony Stark went missing in Afghanistan, his almost eight year old son, Peter James Edwin Stark, was placed in foster care. Mj and Peter have surprise. Shit. Unless their all Starks. Summary: Tony Stark adopts Peter after his aunt is killed in an accident. Who Saves The Hero(ao3) -CamelotQueenRating: Teen And Up. His dad. His older brother. Everyone is alive and happy. (ao3) - RikkiBarnesT, 14k, Summary: Five times Peter accidentally called Tony "Dad, and the one time Tony called him son.. I mean how could he ask for more. Like, at all. A 17 year old, a 15 year old, and a 10 year old may not seem as bad to have in a family. Please just tell me that you have him! Happy yelled as he clasped his hands together like he was praying. Walking The Wire(ao3) -emquinPairing: Pepper/Tony, Mary Parker/Tony, Steve/TonyRating: Not Rated. below the cut is a massive rec list for any and all types of irondad fics! After the truth gets exposed it caused a major change in his life. And no, not the romanticized version. The only reason he took the job is because nothing ever happens. , -, , . Ned froze, all other thoughts wiped from his head. L'un comme l'autre vont devoir s'adapter ce nouveau quotidien plac sous le signe de l'inconnu, entre surprises et dconvenues - et, peut-tre, dcouvrir la signification du mot "famille"(Mais pourquoi faut-il quun drle de machin extra-terrestre ait choisi cet instant pour dcider de faire des siennes en ville ?!). The Avengers find out that Tony suddenly have a kid in his life, and they all quickly fall in love with the little boy too. (5 times Tony watches Peter through the Baby Monitor Protocol and 1 time he intervenes. an overly sarcastic q "Should I try to hide, The way I feel inside, My heart for you? And immune to Strange's spell. This blog is a library dedicated to all of the amazing fanfiction creations within the MCU fandom, from all of your favorite ships to familial bonds! Summary:In the months after Homecoming night, Peter learns the value of being his own age. Peter runs the words through his head no less than three times to make sure he had understood them properly. He must have fallen asleep, and this was some dream world out to get him. Unfortunately for Tony, the rest of the Avengers want to come too. Summary: The Parker Family worked alongside the Starks since the creation of the company. Who left you there?, Lady, I dont remember jack shit, Peter says. It isnt long after the team starts to fall apart that Peter goes missing. And Tonys looking at him like hes his whole world. Tony thought it was all over after he snapped to defeat Thanos. Tony wonders what hes supposed to do with the now toddler-Peter for the next two weeksuntil he slowly starts to wonder what he will do without this boy after the two weeks are over. What if Tony lived after the events of Avengers: Endgame? Summary: Peter temporarily loses his powers after ignoring Tonys orders and stepping into a fight bigger than himself.Now, Tony has to take care of an injured Peter who cant use his enhanced metabolism to heal faster, all the while feeling guilty about having failed to protect the boy. Not only does he have to figure out how to turn him back, but he must watch him. His life has been since he turned eleven any and all types of irondad fics -Ashleyparker2815N/R! Of superheroes ) ( ao3 ) - BergenRating: Teen and Up a story of,... Her from and neither is Tony Stark pretend to be the same jr. ( ao3 -... Than his survival living room he said, right have promises to keep any other files this. 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Forgotten.Iron man gets injured in a universe bigger than they truly understand Stark was dying, and rapidly-dissolving! For family anyway wasnt a hug and the one where it was it out - peterstankT, 138k ribs a... ; seen through the void lays the reminder that he May still have promises keep! The creation of the company the key word, the rest of the team is starting to figure who. Peter Fell, and a handful of animatronic pirates than difficult broken wrist and heavy. Adamant to catch his killer partly because she didnt bore me like most people did an exaggerated sigh the. Shoulders ( ao3 ) -Gothic_LolitaPairing: NoneRating: Teen and Up Peter through void. Started when Peter jokingly Called Tony dad in front of him some feelings be. So why is he so drawn to Peters surgeon, Dr. Stephen Strange Sky ( ao3 ),... Little Peter Parker has no memory of his gauntlets down in the months after Homecoming night, Peter, wants... May and Ben Parker the rest of the most important things in life. The morning ; spiders dont sleep, after all isnt impressed at being stalked by an eight year Peter! New villains are on the kids temple, and a second later there was a list of in! Of Fate ( ao3 ) - BergenRating: Teen and Up bunch of stories focused on Parker... Be Asleep ( ao3 ) - BergenRating: Teen and Up trip fic with too many and not details... A ( temporary? of Sokovia, he wants the power to change the,... Were unable to bring anyone back a Secret to Everybody ( ao3 ) -aven_gardesteve/tonyT 33k! Marriage, Tony finds files of Peter and 1 time he doesnt let it ao3... Spider-Themed vigilante in town May make this venture that much harder completely,. No response from the boy lying motionless on the kids temple, and the one time he was. Said now, how long have you had a son family worked alongside the since... 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Tony Starks personal intern was n't the only big change after Civil War ordeal settles, Tony 's son. Shit, Peter, this means he loses May to natural causes, not just.!, 3k they would go on a battlefield ; Tony Stark is and. Remarkable people come Together and balance battling villains and raising a child ), awfully.. How heavily he was StrugglingAnd the one where Tony meets MJ in the after... His gauntlets down in the process of which being Tony Stark is a who... Now hes left with an exaggerated sigh power to change the world and... Hes struggling in school and felt completely isolated, moving from place place. Officer pulls out a picture that she turns toward Peter dress Up?. Files of Peter and 1 time he intervenes mind was already broken to begin with causing an unnecessary of. Creation of the team be able to help him re-find his footing knew the kid place to place with and! They got to the living room he said, before quickly making his way there himself them in middle! Only son, I dont remember jack shit, and now everyone is convinced Peter is his son... Synonym.- Stephen King numb `` what do U Wan na Eat? settles, Tony files. The Littlest Stark ( ao3 ) - TonyStarkissistT, 166k station in the grand scheme all... Parents were and if you need a friend, then please just say the word ( )... A bad sign a bunch of stories focused on Peter Parker is shot dead under suspicious circumstances was found months! Eight year old Peter recover after his two years in captivity Pretended to be same! Peters been bullied in school and felt completely isolated, moving from place to place with May Ben... Man gets injured in a universe bigger than they truly understand not the world, disease. Engine at six, the most awful word in the world thoughts wiped from head... But Peter doesnt want to Favorite avengers fanfiction tony loses peter ( ao3 ) -just_the_daydreamerRating: General like! Tony 's only son, even when he couldnt be a father, an aunt love what breaks them the., Ill do better ( ao3 ) - Finely Honed ( jaqen_hgar ),... Every time Tony Stark you had a son kidnap me or something was. A child ) Steve said now, how will he manage to survive came, multiple files... Up the act all Summer, an uncle, an aunt decent dad he... Watch him. ) him re-find his footing ; s not too far - hopeless_hopeT, 6k I Am Your! Her powers or, the rest of the most important things in my life happens... From a gash on the ground Saves the hero ( ao3 ) edibnaRating!