See in text(Chapter Two). The figure in these two phases haunted the lawyer all night; and if at any time he dozed over, it was but to see it glide more stealthily through sleeping houses, or move the more swiftly and still the more swiftly, even to dizziness, through wider labyrinths of lamplighted city, and at every street corner crush a child and leave her screaming. By ten o'clock, when the shops were closed, the bystreet was very solitary and, in spite of the low growl of London from all round, very silent. A symbol of the struggle of light against the powers of darkness: in Robert Louis Stevensons poem The Lamplighter, for instance, the child narrator admires the lamplighter Leerie for his ability to bring light to the world and with it a feeling of reassurance. How does the Gothic genre change from The Castle of Otranto to Frankenstein? Common themes in 'The Veldt' and 'There Will Come Soft Rains' by Ray Bradbury. How were both Victor Frankenstein and the monster he created differently in Shelley's novel than in other interpretations or adaptations of the Frankenstein story that we've encountered? Bent over the large worktable on his high stool, he fixes lamps, strings glass beads for fringes, and demonstrates the history of lighting to his visitorsfrom round wick to flat yellow flame to blueilluminating the scientific discoveries of the Industrial Revolution one by one. 2023 The Paris Review. CIte examples. Learn the summary of the story, read its analysis, and review its characters and themes. Our guide through this warped theater of Victorian London is Mr. Utterson, a man who represents the ideals of his age. In the short story " The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allen Poe: Are there any literary devices in the following quote? Browse Library, Teacher Memberships This perspective finds its correlation in thedramatic and cinematic concepts of proxemics, montage andmise-en-scenewhichall place emphasis on the relationships between things in the shot, their positioning on stage or therelationship to each other. The paleness suggests Jekylls fear; the blackness about his eyes suggests an obscurity, an unwillingness to reveal the truth. The image of a hazy gas-lamp struggling to light the smog-enveloped city streets is a perennial motif in Victorian ghost-stories, and it rests comfortably in our shared cultural consciousness as a beacon of tradition: its probably the first thing that springs to the mind of the set-dresser on a heritage film production; its an ever-present on Christmas cards that attempt to capture the fictive nostalgia of a lost Victorian world; and according to Lucy Scott there are still over 1500 of these anachronisms lining the streets of London. Connotatively, the word suggests someone who is asocial, less-than-human, or repellant. "The dismal quarter of Soho seen under these changing glimpses, with its muddy ways, and slatternly passengers, and its lamps" What does it tell us about Victorian conventions and the double life? Or else he would see a room in a rich house, where his friend lay asleep, dreaming and smiling at his dreams; and then the door of that room would be opened, the curtains of the bed plucked apart, the sleeper recalled, and lo! The inability to repress and restrain the darker areas of the human soula struggle the Victorians knew wellis perhaps the storys central theme. 62 rue Boursault. As Susanne Bach and Folkert Degering observe, if the brightly illuminated night is something artificial and unnatural, then the vain, self-indulgent, and evil persona of Edward Hyde is artificial and unnatural as well: he is the result of a scientific experiment gone wrong (2015: 60). Dr. Hastie Lanyon: Dr. Lanyon is a friend to both Utterson and Jekyll, as well as a successful physician in his own right. "Through wider labyrinths of lamplighted city. a) What you have done will not please the Earth. Lanyon does not elucidate precisely why he considers Jekylls actions turpid. What are they and what do they represent? Does the use of irony unravel certain character traits important to the theme/message of the story? What point is the author making about the power of solitude? The opening passage of the story introduces us to Mr. Utterson, the protagonist. Those lanes and neighborhoods are imaged as wider labyrinths of lamplighted city, an allusion to the original labyrinth of Greek mythology. And of all the Circassian women in the harem, he continues, Abdlhamids mother was an Armenian.. b. Slang Scatterbrained or silly. The figure in these two phases haunted the lawyer all night; and if at any time he dozed over, it was but to see it glide more stealthily through sleeping houses, or move the more swiftly and still the more swiftly, even to dizziness, through wider labyrinths of lamplighted city, and at every street corner crush a child and leave her screaming. How do the actions and attitudes of Holmes and Watson reflect a more rational approach to the supernatural in The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle? Its hard to reconcile the despotic rule of Abdlhamid with the picture of the bookish sultan, who was also an expert watchmaker and carpenter. In his house, Robert Louis Stevenson had a chest of drawers from the Edinburgh workshop of the cabinetmaker William Brody, who was the model for Stevensons play The Double. In the book: Underground by Haruki Murakam, the title Underground may have several meanings according to Murakami. Several plays like "Trifles" and "No child" tackle social reform. How can A Midsummer Night's Dream relate to Sigmund Freud's idea of dream distortion? How is secrecy conveyed in Jekyll and Hyde? I havejust finished reading a chapterfrom a book by Deborah Lutz called The Bronte Cabinet: Three Lives in Nine Objects, a chapter which describes the Brontes fascination with walking. Finally, there is the switch from oil to gas lamps. Robert Louis Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Of the ten thousand books in the library of Ottoman Sultan Abdlhamid II, two thousand were detective novels. c. peripheral The description of a great field of lamps in a nocturnal city connects light to the burgeoning metropolis of London, and the natural metaphor, a field of lamps reminds us of the source of light itself: it is an elemental force, mysterious and drawn from beneath the earth. As I write this, he has a hundred sixty albums on his page, containing thousands of photographs. By giving life to Hyde, Jekylls own existence, both body and soul, have deteriorated and become eaten up and emptied. As he approaches his final moments, Jekyll is gripped by horror; having decided to confront his dark, repressed side, that darkness has come to consume him. On one of his few ventures outdoors he rests on a bench in Regents Park and transforms into Hyde. Sometimes I sense that, for him, the mere listing of place names is pleasure enough. By invoking this metaphor, Jekyll continues to assert that he is two disparate personalities fastened together, constantly struggling for dominance rather than one harmonious person. See in text(Chapter Ten). "that hide-bound pedant, Lanyon" Of course, the whole notion of thing theory is open to ridicule where doesanalysis end and speculative re-imagining begin? In 1911, the Armenian writer Yervant Odian published the detective novel Abdlhamid and Sherlock Holmes. "She had an evil face, smoothed by hypocrisy, but her manners were excellent." Does this framing device improve the story or detract from it? Suggests that Hyde's surroundings and his taste contrast. The labyrinth is associated with the Greek legend of the minotaur, the monstrous beast who resides at its heart, and it takes very little work to see that in Utterson's case it is Hyde who lurks at the centre of this particular example. got me thinking about the texts we teach and how things can illuminatethe text, offer us an alternative perspective or just enable us to look at things more closely. Another pleasure of the visit is hearing Monsieur Ara speak Turkish with the refined vocabulary and pronunciation of an old Istanbul gentleman. }? issues that have little relevance to the present discussion. Her first novel, Walking on the Ceiling, is forthcoming from Riverhead Books. Utterson decides to visit Dr Lanyon, an old friend of his and Dr Jekyll . It offended him both as a lawyer and as a lover of the sane and customary sides of life, to whom the fanciful was the immodest.", "Henry Jekyll, M.D., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., etc.", "The large handsome face of Dr. Jekyll grew pale to the very lips, and there came a blackness about his eyes.", "She had an evil face, smoothed by hypocrisy, but her manners were excellent.", "The dismal quarter of Soho seen under these changing glimpses, with its muddy ways, and slatternly passengers, and its lamps", "but the moon shone on his face as he spoke", "If I am the chief of sinners, I am the chief of sufferers also. If yes, what are they and how do they contribute to the story? "malefactor" that the wine was still untasted when he set it down to follow." London and the passage itself becomes a labyrinth of the human soul, in which darkness one may easily become lost and confused. How does Mary Shelly use foreshadowing in Frankenstein to create suspense throughout the novel? Inside a blue shop at the end of rue Flatters in Paris, lamps hang from every inch of the ceiling. What is Jack London's short story "The Law of Life" truly about, based on its symbolism? Give some examples of where Victor Frankenstein is in conflict with himself of self-interest vs. selflessness. They were translated for the general public some years later, at the start of the second constitutional era, just as Abdlhamid was about to be dethroned. All rights reserved. Explore Robert Louis Stevenson's "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Dr. Lanyon uses the word to describe the letter Dr. Jekyll has written to him which, in its desperation and lack of detail, strike the doctor as grounds for insanity. This passage is a reference to the Book of Genesis. When the Ottoman police force is unable to solve the case, the sultan calls the famous English detective to assist in Constantinople. Createyouraccount. How can I best use this quote from The Catcher in the Rye to illustrate Holden's impulsive wish to escape the real world? Inevitably, our conversations return to Istanbul. As a child, Stevenson often had nightmares and it was said that Jekyll and Hyde was inspired by a nightmare of his. I dont tell him, however, that this Armenian ancestor is only hearsay, and that my grandmother, when we ask her for details, would rather sweep the whole matter aside. Suffice it to say, however, that he has learned something deeply troubling. Underline the transitive action verbs. "Through wider labyrinths of lamplighted city."-Chapter 2 (Utterson's nightmare) Labyrinth=Confusing maze that symbolises the misleading events and secrets utterson has to navigate. It is the pleasure of approaching the menacing unknown, otherwise kept at bay, like the crouching darkness of our own minds. The juxtaposition of light as a procession with the phrase as empty as a church provides an uncomfortable association. In Shakespeare's Othello, which motifs are directly linked to Othello himself? In Victorian times Soho was known as the citys center of prostitution. Here, light occupies an uneasy position. In the novel Frankenstein, how does Victor show the conflict of Desire vs Dread? Mr. Hyde is everything a proper Victorian citizen strives not to be: violent, ugly, wicked, and lustful. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Quotations: Settings/, [15/12] Cu hi C t hi v cu hi khng c, Jekyll and Hyde-Religion vs science quotes, Vocabulary for Achievement: Fourth Course, Harold Levine, Norman Levine, Robert T. Levine. See in text(Chapter Two). Twilight suggests he is being eclipsed by Hyde, "Thin trees in the garden were lashing against the railing. Hyde?'' The Times called the plot one of the most sensational political conspiracies of modern times, even if the event is now mostly forgotten. The presence of gas-lamps equally illustrates the slipperiness of the light/dark opposition. Illustration Lonely Footsteps But sometimes, once in many days, or perchance in many months, she felt an eye . The juxtaposition of light (the lamps) and dark (nocturnus, Latin, of the night) reinforces the inextricable links between these two binary oppositions; but also suggests that in Stevensons mind at least, they are not so binary after all with the two concepts easily merging into one: a chiaroscuro that signifies the very concerns of the novel itself and the characters therein. In "The Picture of Dorian Gray", how is Dorian shown to be monstrous and what is the cause or a possible excuse for his actions? If he be Mr. Hyde he had thought I shall be Mr. Seek . The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a Victorian horror novel by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson. See in text(Chapter Six). In Mary Shelley's ''Frankenstein'', what is the true nature of Frankenstein's creature, and what duty of care does Frankenstein owe to it? In her analysis essay, Korneeva discusses triangular structure of desire. In the novel, three of the sultans secret agents are found murdered in an empty mansion on the Bosphorus. I feel, whenever we skirt these topics, that my identity might be offensive to him in some way, that Im blind to my past, to the reckless survival and triumph of people like me. See in text(Chapter Two). All at once, I saw two figures: one a little man who was stumping along eastward at a good walk, and the other a girl of maybe eight or ten who was running as hard as she was able down a cross street. Explain the significance of the last line of the play ''Trifles''. How are friendship and loyalty presented in ''Jekyll and Hyde''? Cain, the son of Adam and Eve, kills his brother Abel before asking God, Am I my brothers keeper? Utterson retrieves Cains question and offers that his answerCains heresyis no, a philosophy not so much murderous as live-and-let-live. There are globes and barrels, in brass and opaline, in marbling swirls of orange and red, dark green, blue, and pink. Quote : For the love of God Montresor! Hyde is rendered a shape-shifter still further when, "or move the more swiftly and still the more swiftly, even to dizziness, through wider labyrinths of lamp lighted city," which gives Hyde powers that cannot be explained by the limitations of the rational mind. Photo: Aysegul Savas. What monster is she referring to? The lamps provide Enfield with the light by which the horror of Hydes violence can be observed; rather than a presentiment of good, light illuminates evil deeds (as it does with the maids account of Carews murder). "A pale moon lying on her back as though the wind had tilted her. Analysis. See in text(Chapter Nine). The re-appearance of the past, the return of the repressed, is a key element of Freuds uncanny: it is the desire to return to that most safe of homes the womb and so, in many ways, the desire for sanctuary, a safe place against the terrors of the modern world, manifests itself in the popularity of the ghost story: for here, one can safely negotiate the labyrinth of our fears, and immerse ourselves in the knowledge that the past is ever-present. He must be deformed somewhere; he gives a strong feeling of deformity, although I couldnt specify the point. My favorite lamps are the ones that come with stories, like the long one shaped like a telescope invented by the Prussian kings doctor and used by otolaryngologists at the turn of the century. The image of an empty church suggests an absence of religious belief, a rejection of God (an appropriate phrase given the novels historical context, its links with Darwinism and the falling away of church attendance to which Stevenson possibly alludes); next to this, what are we to make of the procession? Uttersons lighted labyrinth speaks of his desire to know Hyde, but his terror of the labyrinth also suggests his own fears of being consumed by the city and by Hyde who is the Other, the unknown mystery. A well-dressed, elderly servant opened the door. "He had his death-warrant written legibly upon his face." One of the lesser known works of Robert Louis Stevenson is a technical manual, which is Stevensons small contribution to his family trade: On a New Form of Intermittent Lightfor Lighthouses. If not, why not? See in text(Chapter Four). It would pay 1m rupees (about 11,400) to the families of adults who had been killed. Jekyll, unconventional as he is, has drafted a will which bequeaths his belongings to a man named Hyde in the event of a three-month disappearance. Stevenson draws attention to the ambiguity of Jekylls character through the description of the use of light: from the outside, the house is plunged in darkness whilst inside a fire burns in the hearth; and yet it is a fire that brings Utterson little warmth and light. Explain the symbolism evident in "A worn path" of Eudora Welty? Mr. Edward Hyde: Edward Hyde is a mysterious, dwarf-like man who haunts the streets of London by night, particularly the disreputable neighborhood of Soho. The nose, the cheekbones, the tapering face and beard. copyright 2003-2023 By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your. See in text(Chapter Eight). As Enfield describes his encounter with Hyde to Utterson, he paints a remarkable precise picture of the landscape, drawing particular attention to the lighting: I was coming home from some place at the end of the world, about three oclock of a black winter morning, and my way lay through a part of town where there was literally nothing to be seen but lamps. In William Shakespeare's 'Othello', Desdemona says, "Heaven keep that monster from Othello's mind." Utterson's dream (p13): The figure in these two phases haunted the lawyer all night; and if at any time he dozed over, it was but to see it glide more stealthily through sleeping houses, or move the more swiftly and still more swiftly, even to dizziness, through wider labyrinths of lamplighted city." Troglodytic literally pertains to troglodytes, or cave-dwelling people. This uneasy juxtaposition of light and dark is felt when we are first introduced into Jekylls milieu by Utterson. 2. a. Bewildered or confused: "I was dizzy with anger and shame" (Amy Benson). If yes, then why would the argument be valid? The verb blazon means to display prominently. It was a fine dry night; frost in the air; the streets as clean as a ballroom floor; the lamps, unshaken by any wind, drawing a regular pattern of light and shadow. Whilst gas-lamps were designed to make London safer, in Jekyll and Hyde Stevenson turns the usual connotations of light and dark on its head, turning the lamps into harbingers of violence, fear and nightmarish visions as early as the opening chapter. At what point in the narratives do Dr. Jekyll and Victor Frankenstein have a moment of Anagnorisis? What are the characteristics of horror? The figure in these two phases haunted the lawyer all night; and if at any time he dozed over, it was but to see it glide more stealthily through sleeping houses, or move the more swiftly and still the more swiftly, even to dizziness, through wider labyrinths of lamplighted city, and at every street corner crush a child and leave her screaming. How? In many ways, Utterson serves as an exemplar of Victorian morality. Explain the following passage from 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' ''His schoolhouse was a low building of one large room, rudely constructed of logs; the windows partly glazed, and partly patched wit, What quotes evidence the theme of alienation in ''Slaughterhouse Five?''. This scene is entered imaginatively (and ironically) via the conventional device of a church clock tolling. The fact that Hyde injures a girl and ruthlessly murders a man, neither of which has done anything to provoke his rage or to deserve death, emphasizes the extreme immorality of Jekyll's dark side unleashed. What can be said about character analysis for the major (Minor and dog) and minor (man from sulfur creek and the minor's boys) characters in 'To Build a Fire' by Jack London? Mr. Gabriel Utterson: Mr. Utterson is the novels narrator, lawyer to Dr. Jekyll. The figure in these two phases haunted the lawyer all night; and if at any time he dozed over, it was but to see it glide more stealthily through sleeping houses, or move the more swiftly and still the more swiftly, even to dizziness, through wider labyrinths of lamplighted city, and at every street corner crush a child and leave her screaming. "-Chapter 8 (rush to Jekyll's home). Chapter Three. shocked and dismayed. Jekyll describes a feeling of being unmann[ed], a word relevant on multiple levels. Discuss the opening scene of The Importance Being Earnest focusing on the conversation between Algernon and his butler Lane. Utterson refers to the figure in the roompresumed to be Mr. Hydeas a malefactor, which is to say a criminal or wrongdoer. . See in text(Chapter One). See in text(Chapter Ten). In the short story The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe, what makes the emotional responses from the characters in the story similar to us today? What are some quotes that show this conflict? This idea of purity is important here in that it renders Sir Danvers Carews murder all the more despicable. A proper Victorian citizen strives not to be: violent, ugly,,..., Abdlhamids mother was an Armenian.. b. Slang Scatterbrained or silly thought I shall be Hydeas! A ) what you have done Will not please the Earth something deeply troubling write this, he,. A Midsummer Night 's Dream relate to Sigmund Freud 's idea of purity is important in... 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